
ミネソタ州は非常に寒い州で、冬には気温がマイナス 30 度 (-30C) まで下がることもあります。私にとっては、長野の冬さえも春のように感じます。
私は言語を学ぶことが大好きなので、大学では言語学と第二言語習得論を専攻しました。また、大学で 2 年間英語を教え、留学生が大学の授業に備えて英語を学べるようサポートしました。大学在学中に国際教養大学(AIU)に留学していたので、秋田に1年間住んで日本語を勉強しました。
My name is Firas and I`m from the U.S., from the state of Minnesota. Minnesota is quite a cold state and, in the winter, the temperature can go down to minus thirty degrees (-30C)! For me, even the winters in Nagano feel like springtime. I really enjoy being outdoors and doing things in nature, like fishing and hiking with my dog. I also enjoy many indoor activities, like playing games, watching movies, reading books, and cooking.
Since I was young, I used to play a lot of Japanese games and watch Japanese shows, like Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh. At first, I didn’t know these things were all from Japan but when I found out when I was a bit older, I knew I had to visit someday.
In college, I majored in Linguistics and Second Language Acquisition because I love languages and learning them. I also taught English for two years in university helping incoming international students learn English in preparation for their college classes. While I was in university, I studied abroad at Akita International University (AIU), so I lived in Akita for one year, where I studied Japanese.
I hope to see you soon!