
私の故郷であるサンディエゴは、美しいビーチやロサンゼルス、そしてメキシコのティフアナとの国境に近いことで有名です。一年を通して温暖な気候の、美しい街です。私の人生のモットーは「Viva la Vida」です。
お読みいただきありがとうございます。そして忘れないでくださいね——Viva la Vida!
Hello! My name is Jessica. I`m a mother and a teacher now, I have been teaching for over a decade and have had the joy of teaching many individuals and families. I received my bachelor`s and master`s degree in the United States.
My hobbies include going to the theater and reading. I love the arts. I especially love going to the theater around Christmas time to see either “The Grinch” or “The Nutcracker,” in my hometown of San Diego, California. Moreover, I believe reading books is a wonderful activity for the imagination. I enjoy reading ghost stories around Halloween time to get me in the holiday spirit. I like other genres like mystery and romance too.
My favorite food is Mexican cuisine. I love tacos, burritos, enchiladas, you name it. You might not be familiar with those foods, so I will tell you my favorite Japanese food. I love okonomiyaki and karaage.
My hometown of San Diego is famous for its beautiful beaches and being close to Los Angeles and the border of Tijuana, Mexico. It`s a beautiful city with a warm climate year-round. My motto in life is “Viva la Vida” which means “Long live life” in English. It was said by world famous Mexican artist Frida Kahlo. Enjoy your life to the fullest because you only have one life to live. And why are so many of my interests Mexican related? I am Mexican-American. Born and raised in San Diego but of Mexican heritage. Not to mention that I also had a second home in Mexico allowing me to attend school in Mexico for a few years.
Thank you for reading, and remember—Viva la Vida!